The people have actually been remembering to take me places again. But they stuck me in the flipping diaper bag. Does this look comfortable? Cuz it ain’t! We stopped in at New Province Brewing to try their Lavish IPA. Nice lavender aroma.

The people have actually been remembering to take me places again. But they stuck me in the flipping diaper bag. Does this look comfortable? Cuz it ain’t! We stopped in at New Province Brewing to try their Lavish IPA. Nice lavender aroma.
So, AJ made good on the spa day. I think she felt guilty about the rudeness I was subjected to. At least that’s what I told myself so that I could enjoy my time at the spa without being offended by her ulterior motives. First, I got a relaxing soak. The water could have been…
There have been personal remarks made recently about my appearance. In public. I go out to the bar to quietly enjoy a beverage when certain unnamed persons (rhymes with Schmanda and Schmichael) made negative remarks upon my appearance. Remarks upon my personal hygiene. Rude. Even worse, AJ & J agreed. AJ even forcibly moved me…
Not the 90s band. So the humans I associate with decided to procreate. On the bright side, I have a new future drinking buddy. I’ll admit, at first I wasn’t exactly pleased. There’s enough snot nosed little toerags running around, ya know? But this one is mine. Not literally MINE, it’s AJ & J’s but…
Wally took the baby announcement pretty hard. We didn’t see him for almost a week afterward. He finally came home extremely hungover and smelling like a strip club so we can only guess what he’d been up to. Cornwallis, on the other hand, was ecstatic and immediately offered to help paint the nursery. With time…
This year has been, in a word, hectic. A few years back we decided to bring on a trainee. It took a lot longer than expected to find the right candidate but in January of this year we got notice that the vacancy would be filled, however there would be nine months lead time. We…